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We create leaders !

Little Inventor

The Young Engineer is a course that focuses on introducing new and interesting engineering experiments to children. The main focus of the program is to familiarize students with concepts of electrical circuits by explaining it to them, and giving every student the opportunity to perform the experiment by himself. Each and every student will have his/her own experiment kit where they will be able to perform the experiments explained by the teacher; the kit comprises of all the needed components to perform all the amazing experiments (i.e. powering a light bulb, using solar panels to run different devices, running a DC motor, etc.). After providing the students with all the needed basics, they will be given the opportunity to show their creativity and explore their limits by creating their own experiments, and designing their own electrical circuits. All in all, the provided experiments will significantly enhance the students’ ability to be able to innovate and will open new venues and horizons for students to create, innovate, and stand out in the crowd.

Little Inventor

Little Inventor 2

Little Inventor 3